Hutton le Hole Village Hall

Charity Number 230327


Hutton le Hole Village hall was built in 1939 from funds raised by Villagers

to provide its residents and the surrounding areas a facility for

organisations and groups of all ages and interests to meet. 


Our village hall sits at the heart of our community and the surrounding areas and is open to anyone.


We offer a versatile space for events, theatre productions, exercise classes and so much more.


Our small team of friendly volunteers work tirelessly to provide a variety of

classes and events in the hall to be enjoyed by EVERYONE.


Follow us on

Facebook- thevillagehallhuttonlehole

Instagram - huttonleholevillagehall 



Our Facilities

We hold a public entertainment license, PPL & PRS licenses. We are fully compliant with all legal requirements for Health & Safety and Fire Regulations.


View our collection of images of events, celebrations and internal and external aspects of Hutton le Hole Village Hall.