Welcome to Hutton le Hole Village Hall, we are a registered charity and are proud to say that the Hall sits at the heart of the community, and all those in the immediate vicinity, as it has since 1939.


How it came to be:

A Public Meeting was held in the School in 1933 to consider the question, “Do We Want a Village Hall?”


The meeting was well attended and the conclusion was reached that a Village Hall was required to unite the community.

A Committee was appointed to discuss means of raising money and finding a site for the build.


The money was raised from individual gifts, concerts, collecting boxes, fairs and other events between 1934 - 1938 plus a grant of £500 from the Carnegie Trust.



The instigator and promotor was a Mrs Enid Burnley, supported and encouraged by the kindness and generosity of her husband Mr F Burnley.

Mr Burnley gave the site on which the Village Hall stands and of the total costs of £3,038 for the building, architect’s plans, furniture and equipment, the Burnley’s contributed more than half. Items were also gifted from individuals to furnish the Hall.


The first sods were cut on 18 April 1938 by A S Rowntree and F Burnley and work on the build began immediately. The stone came from the disused engine shed at Rosedale Bank Top.

The building was completed and furnished by April 1939.


The Village Hall is steeped in history.

For more information on its history and that of the Playing Field, please visit https:// huttonlehole.ryedaleconnect.org.uk